24.07.2018 - Action Zoo Humain occupies Ostend
Action Zoo Humain also has a summer holiday. Soon we will travel with the whole team to the Belgian coast for a few days. On the 30th and 31st of July our performance Amnesty/Amnesia can be seen at Theater aan Zee (TAZ) and on the 2nd August the company organizes theatrical tours through the exhibition A conversation between collections from Kinshasa and Ostend in Mu.ZEE.
On the occasion of her tenth birthday, Mu.ZEE is bringing her own Ostend collection into dialogue with a private collection that was collected in Kinshasa. On Thursday, August the 2nd 2018, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gert Jochems, Geneviève Galo, Erik-Ward Geerlings and Chokri Ben Chikha will take you on a tour of the works of art with the new performance Tintin in Congo (working title). Who is the anonymous private collector? Why did he collect artworks from the Kinois? And what do Congolese themselves think about this? The performative tour unmasks the corrupt art circuit, reveals the superiority of Congolese art and tells the unfortunate story of a half-brother in Kinshasa.

Mijn halfbroer in Kinshasa betaalt kunstenaars altijd een eerlijke prijs.
Daar zit geen procentje kinderarbeid in.
Alle kunstenaars zijn 18+.
De materialen zijn 1000% ecoverantwoord.
Er is geen oerwoud voor gekapt.
En het is ook nog eens helemaal dictatuurvrij.
Alle mensenrechten zijn gewaarborgd
- gezien de situatie in Congo absoluut bijzonder.
Er is niet gechanteerd met noodhulp of seks.
Dit is kortom topidealisme.