26.09.2019 - Amazigh queen Dihya: the oppression continues
Sometimes she's white, sometimes she's black. Now she's a witch, then she's heroine. The 7th-century Amazigh queen Dihya seems to be an eternal victim of abuse. On 26 September, during 'African Literature Centraal', researcher and performer Chokri Ben Chikha finally gave the historical figure - also the source of inspiration for our latest production - her voice back. Or didn't he?
When organiser Inge Brinkman announces Chokri's lecture in the Ghent city library De Krook, actress Dahlia Pessemiers-Benamar and dancer Sandra Delgadillo step forward. "Chokri has decided to be represented by two women tonight - or at least to have two women speak for him. Thank you for that."
Chokri asked Dahlia to recite a statement he wrote: 'I am sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but I can't bring myself to performing for you this afternoon. With my absence I protest against further abuse of Dihya." In what follows, the duo introduces various forms of oppression and opportunism which the mythical warrior fell, falls and will keep falling victim to.

Dahlia Pessemiers-Benamar en Sandra Delgadillo vertolken de rol van moeder en dochter in de danstheatervoorstelling Dihya, die vanaf 24 oktober op de planken staat in hetpaleis (Antwerpen) en NTGent (Gent).
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