19.03.2019 - HUMAN(ART)ISTIC: ‘Dido and Aenaes’ in the context of 'transmigration'
Refugees increasingly end up in vulnerable situations: they stay in refugee camps, public parks, ghettos and even jungles. In organizing the forum 'Territory and migration', the Brussels arts festival Human(art)istic sounds the alarm. Action Zoo Humain is planning an artistic intervention: DNA in BXL.
What form does a centuries-old opera take in the light of transmigration? What if a refugee from the Maximilian Park in Brussels travels on to the United Kingdom as a mythological hero, leaving behind his loving hostess? Theater producer Chokri Ben Chikha, writer Erik-Ward Geerlings and anthropologist Rik Pinxten reinvent Henry Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas. Dancer Fouad Nafili and singer Walid Ben Chikha enter into musical interaction.
Time: Thursday, 22 March, 18h
Plaats: Beursschouwburg (Auguste Ortsstraat 20/28, 1000 Brussels)
Tickets: Human(art)istic

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